Python for Data Analysis and Visualization

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A Tufts University Data Lab Workshop
Written by Uku-Kaspar Uustalu  @TuftsDataLab

Python resources:

Workshop slides:
Live offerings:

Running the Workshop using Binder (virtual JupyterLab)

Launch Binder

You can launch an online Binder instance with a JupyterLab interface pre-configured for this workshop as follows:

  1. Click on the Launch Binder button above.
  2. A Binder instance will launch in a new tab with the message Starting Repository.
  3. Wait patiently and do not close the Binder tab.
  4. After a few minutes, the notebook will launch in a JupyterLab instance.

Running the Workshop Locally on your Computer

Download Zip  Download TarGz

If you have Anaconda or Miniconda installed, you can launch the workshop notebook locally as follows:

  1. Click on the Download Zip or Download TarGz button above to download an archive containing the workshop materials.
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded archive to a suitable location and rename the extracted folder if desired.
  3. Launch JupyterLab either from the command line or via Anaconda Navigator.
    • From the command line:
      1. Launch Terminal (macOS/Linux) or the Anaconda PowerShell Prompt (Windows).
        • Windows: Start > Anaconda3 > Anaconda PowerShell Prompt
        • macOS: Applications > Utilities > Terminal
      2. Optional: If you are using Miniconda or have modified your base Anaconda environment, create and activate a new environment for this workshop using the included environment.yml file as follows:
        1. Navigate to the folder containing the extracted workshop materials from within the console.
        2. Create a new environment for the workshop: conda env create -f binder/environment.yml
        3. Activate the workshop environment: conda activate python-data-analysis
      3. Type jupyter lab and press Enter/Return to launch JupyterLab.
    • Using Anaconda Navigator:
      1. Launch Anaconda Navigator via the Start Menu (Windows) or from Applications (macOS).
        • Windows: Start > Anaconda3 > Anaconda Navigator
        • macOS: Applications > Utilities > Terminal
      2. Launch JupyterLab using the corresponding Launch button.
  4. JupyterLab will open in a web browser. (A new tab will be generated if a browser is already open.)
  5. Within the JupyterLab file explorer on the left, navigate to the location of the extracted folder containing the workshop materials.
  6. Once you are in the correct directory, double-click on python-data-analysis.ipynb in the file browser to open the workshop notebook.