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Genome Technology, Status and Future Directions

November 29, 2022

Guest Speaker, BIOE291

Adelaide Rhodes, Ph.D.,

Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

Copy of Slides

Assignment before Next Week

Read brief blog post about Alphafold

Computer Set Up for Hands On Practice

  • Be prepared to code (i.e., work off a laptop/desktop)
  • Account on Tufts HPC
  • Confirm you can log in to Open OnDemand
  • VPN if accessing the HPC from off campus
  • PyMOL

Introduction to AlphaFold2

December 6, 2022

TTS Research Technology Instructors

  • Jason Laird, M.S., Bioinformatics Scientist


  • Understand the background of Protein Structure Prediction
  • Understand how AlphaFold2 takes a protein sequence and creates a predicted protein structure
  • Analyze AlphaFold2 output and determine how well it compares to available structures
  • Visualize protein structures in PyMOL
  • Optional: Write an AlphaFold2 batch script