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AlphaFold2 Algorithm

AlphaFold2 Algorithm

Enter AlphaFold2

  • Google’s DeepMind team Entered AlphaFold 2 in CASP14
  • Achieved a median Global Distance Test Score of 92.4
    • This score essentially says: How close is my predicited structure to the known structure?

AlphaFold2 Algorithm

  • AlphaFold 2 works by:
    • starts with a user's query protein sequence
    • finding similar sequences to that query
    • aligns these sequences to create a mutliple sequence alignment
    • uses available structure data based on query sequence to create initial distances between residues
    • uses a neural network to iteratively update the distances between residues by using information from the sequence alignment
    • passes this to another neural network to determine how these residues are oriented in 3D space