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Linux/Unix command line basics

Learning Linux is crucial for bioinformatics because the majority of bioinformatics tools, pipelines, and databases are designed to run in a Linux environment.

Linux provides powerful command-line utilities that are essential for handling large datasets, automating repetitive tasks, and managing high-throughput sequencing data.

Additionally, Linux offers robust support for scripting languages like Python, Perl, and R, which are widely used in bioinformatics for data analysis and visualization.

The open-source nature of Linux ensures that researchers have access to cutting-edge tools and can customize their computational environment to meet the specific needs of their projects.

Mastering Linux not only enhances efficiency and productivity but also enables bioinformaticians to fully leverage the computational resources available in modern research environments.

In this section, we will briefly introduce the history and features of Linux/Unix, file systems, and useful tools for bioinformatics analysis.
