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Files and File System

Everything is a file

A file is an addressable location that contains some data which can take many forms.

  • Text data

  • Binary/Image data

Files have associated meta-data

  • Owner

  • Group

  • Timestamps

  • Permission

  • Read(r)

  • Write (w)

  • Execute(x)

File permissions

file permission

File names

  • Case-sensitive: "myfile.txt" is different from "MyFile.txt".

  • Hidden files: Filenames starting with a dot (.) are hidden by default.

  • File extensions: Not mandatory, but using them helps identify file types.

  • Spaces: Allowed but not recommended, use _ or instead.

Best practices of file names

  • Keep names descriptive and concise.

  • Use lowercase for consistency.

  • Avoid special characters unless necessary.

  • Stick to alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

File organization

Everything is mounted to the root directory

Files are referred to by their location called the path

  • Absolute Path (From the root)
  • /cluster/tufts/pi01/user01

  • Relative Path (From my current location)

  • user01/file01

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