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R package installation


  • Learn how to run R efficiently on Tufts HPC using both graphical and command-line interfaces.

  • Understand R package management, including installation and configuration on the HPC environment.

  • Develop skills to run R scripts in batch mode, submit jobs to the queue, and manage multiple jobs effectively.

How to run R on Tufts HPC

1. Open OnDemand Rstudio app

1.1 Log in to Open OnDemand with your UTLN

1.2 You will see RStudio Pax under Interactive Apps and other topic-specific Rstudio apps under Bioinformatics Apps

1.3 Fill in the parameters according to your needs. You can start with default value.

1.4 Launch the job.

2024-08-26 at 14.11.52

2. Command line interface

2.1 Make sure you are on the compute mode

srun -p interactive -n 1 --time=02:00:00 --mem 4g --pty bash

2.2 Load R modules

module load R/4.4.0

2.3 Launch R interactive session


R package installation

Pre-installed R packages

To provide convenience to users, we pre-installed many commonly used R packages used in bioinformatics analysis. Before you try to install packages, load the module for R, start R and check if the package is already installed.


Get the list of installed R packages


Install R packages





This shows the folder where the packages are installed.

> .libPaths()
[1] "/cluster/home/xli37/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.4"

Since we have limited storage under home directory. We suggest to change the libpath to folder under lab storage or research projects.


R modules

r base



$ module av r-bioinformatics

------- /cluster/tufts/biocontainers/modules ---------------
   r-bioinformatics/4.3.2    r-bioinformatics/4.4.0 (D)
   D:  Default Module


$ module av r-scrnaseq

------- /cluster/tufts/biocontainers/modules -----------------------------
   r-scrnaseq/4.2.3    r-scrnaseq/4.3.1    r-scrnaseq/4.3.2    r-scrnaseq/4.4.0 (D)

   D:  Default Module


Bioconductor is both an open source project and repository for R packages related to the analysis of biological data, primarily bioinformatics and computational biology, and as such it is a great place to search for -omics packages and pipelines.

Do not run the belew code to install bioconductor core packages

We have pre-installed bioconductor core packages for users. You do not need to run the below command to re-install it.

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(version = "3.xx")

Installation with BiocManager

To install specific bioconductor packages, use BiocManager to install.

Ex: Let's install adverSCarial


Installation with devtools

devtools has been pre-installed in our R modules. You can load it to install packages require it.


Installing Packages from GitHub

Ex: Install an R package STew used to jointly characterize the gene expression variation and spatial information.


Notice that for many R package, especially those process scRNA-Seq or spatial transcriptomics data, it often require dependencies or version-specific packages.