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conda-env-mod is a tool for simplifying Python package installation on HPC clusters.

Due to limited user-level permissions on managed clusters, installing and maintaining Python packages becomes a challenging task for novice users.

conda-env-mod was developed by Amiya Maji from Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) at Purdue University to use Anaconda environments and environment modules (Lmod) to simplify this process.

There are three simple steps to install and use python packages using conda-env-mod: 1. Create an Anaconda environment using conda-env-mod. During the process, the script automatically creates module file for using the environment. 2. Load the module generated by conda-env-mod. By default modules are generated in $HOME/privatemodules. 3. Now use conda or pip to install your Python package. Once the installation finishes, you can directly import it in your script. No need to run conda init or conda activate.



  • Automating environment creation and configuration reduces mistakes
  • Module files enable sharing of conda environments
  • Automatic kernel creation allows environments to be used in Jupyter notebooks


conda-env-mod <subcommand> <required argument> [optional argument(s)]


  • create: Create an environment. Must specify env_name or env_path.
  • delete: Delete an existing environment. Must specify env_name or env_path.
  • module: Create a module file for an existing environment. Must specify env_name or env_path.
  • kernel: Create a Jupyter kernel for an existing environment. Must specify env_name or env_path.
  • help: Display brief usage information.

Step1: Load modules

To use conda-env-mod , users must load one of the anaconda modules first.

$ module avail anaconda

--------------------- /opt/shared/Modules/modulefiles-rhel6 ------------------------------------------
   anaconda/2  anaconda/3

-------------------- /cluster/tufts/hpc/tools/module --------------------------------------------------
anaconda/bio35  anaconda/2020.02   anaconda/2021.05   anaconda/2021.11   anaconda/2023.07.tuftsai   anaconda/2024.06-py312 (D)

$ module load anaconda/2024.06-py312
$ module load conda-env-mod

Step 2: Create a conda environment

Users can use the conda-env-mod to create an empty conda environment. It needs either a name or a path for the desired environment. After the environment is created, it generates a module file for using it in future. Detailed instructions for using conda-env-mod can be found with the command conda-env-mod --help.

Create a conda environment with -n

$ conda-env-mod create -n myenv

Create a conda environment with -p

This will create a conda environment to a custom directory.

$ conda-env-mod create -p /cluster/tufts/mylab/$USER/condaenv/myenv