Introduction to the Statistical Programming Language R

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A Tufts University Data Lab Workshop
Written by Uku-Kaspar Uustalu and Kyle Monahan

Live offerings:

Table of Contents

Workshop Overview

An introductory R workshop that is suitable for self-guided study and covers the following:

Running the Workshop using a Local R and RStudio Installation

Download Zip  Download TarGz

  1. Make sure you have both R and RStudio installed. Instructions are available here:
  2. Click on the Download Zip or Download TarGz button above to download an archive containing the workshop materials.
  3. Extract the intro-r-workshop directory contained within the archive to a suitable location.
  4. Open the extracted intro-r-workshop directory and ensure it contains intro-r.R along with other files.
  5. Right-click on intro-r.R and select Open With > RStudio to launch the workshop.

Running the Workshop using RStudio Server in your Browser

Launch Binder

  1. Click on the Launch Binder button above.
  2. A Binder instance will launch in a new tab with the message Starting Repository.
  3. Wait patiently and do not close the Binder tab. After a few minutes, an RStudio instance will launch.
  4. Once RStudio has launched, locate the Files tab in the bottom-right. It should list intro-r.R along with other files.
  5. Click on intro-r.R in the Files tab to launch the workshop.