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Intro To R Script

Markdown Language

  • Way of writing HTML content without having to deal with HTML code
  • At the top of the page you'll notice a header section
  • this header section is defined by two sets of three dashes
  • contains
    • the title of our markdown report
    • the output format of our markdown report
  • In the body of the document headers can be specified by adding hastags before the text
  • Lists can be specified by adding a dash or asterisk before the text
  • for more information on markdown formatting visit:
  • While we will be working with an R markdown document today you can also run code in an R script. To open an R script you can go to File > New File > R Script.

NOTE: R scripts will end in ".R", while R markdowns will end in ".Rmd"

Code chunks

  • code chunks can be included in our markdown document with two sets of three tick marks
  • you'll notice in the brackets we add in, r, which indicates we are running R code

Let's start with R by defining what is called a variable. We can run this chunk of code by clicking the play button in the corner of the code chunk:

num <- 18


[1] 18

What did we do:

  • assigned the value 18 to the word "num"
  • assign value with the "<-" operator
  • call the value of this variable with the word "num"
  • NOTE: our variable appears in the environment window to the right.
  • NOTE: when we ran the code chunk our console window shrank! This is because our output is appearing below the code chunk. We can always reopen it by clicking on it!

Variable Names

  • variable names are case sensitive
  • they can include any combination of:
  • lower-case letters
  • upper-case letters
  • underscores/periods/numbers (however, these cannot be the first character)
second.number.2 <- 2
third_number_3 <- 3
fourthNumber4 <- 4

Whate did we do:

  • we assigned three numbers 2,3,4 to the variables second.number.2, third_number_3,fourthNumber4
  • all are valid variable names
  • keep you variable names as short as possible to still convey what they represent
  • just be consistent with your naming convention

Variable Properties

  • When we define variables we can treat that variable name as the value itself
  • We can also add variable names together
  • We can assign more than one value to a variable name

Let's try this out in code!

# add 5 to num
num <- num + 5

# assign 20 to new num and add it to num
new_num <- 20
new_num + num

#create a variable with multiple values
combined <- c(3,4,6)


[1] 23

[1] 43

[1] 3 4 6

What did we do:

  • First we added 5 to the variable num
  • We assigned that num + 5 back to the variable num which overwrote the original value of 18! (now it's 23)
  • we assigned a new variable new_num to the value 20 and then showed we can add the values of new_num and num together with just their names
  • we then assigned multiple values to the variable combined by separating values by commas and enclosing them in c()
  • this variable with multiple values is called a vector!

  • You'll also note we add text inside our code block by putting a hashtag in front of it. This is called a comment and they are very useful in giving your code context.

Accessing/Manipulating Values in a Vector

  • Suppose we want to access one value in our vector combined
  • We can do this by specifying the value number in that vector.
  • Let's try grabbing the second value in combined
# call the second value in combined

# replace second value in combined
combined[2] <- 10


[1] 4

[1] 10

What did we do:

  • grabbed the second value in combined by specifying the vector and then the number value we want in brackets
  • vectors in R are one-indexed meaning that when you want the first value in a vector you use [1], second value you would use [2] and so on
  • we also replaced the second value of combined by calling combined[2] and reassigning it to 10


  • R has a collection of base functions (we just used the file.copy() function!)
  • However, there are thousands of other functions we can use by importing different libraries
  • Tufts HPC has a collection of different libraries pre-installed we can use!

Let's access that collection and import a library:



Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'dbplyr':
method         from
── Attaching packages ─────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
✓ ggplot2 3.3.5     ✓ purrr   0.3.4
✓ tibble  3.1.6     ✓ dplyr   1.0.8
✓ tidyr   1.2.0     ✓ stringr 1.4.0
✓ readr   1.4.0     ✓ forcats 0.5.1
── Conflicts ────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

What did we do:

  • we used the .libPaths() function to point to where Tufts is keeping this collection of R packages
  • after pointing to this location we can import a package!
  • here we imported the tidyverse package using the library() function

Importing Data

So what does this package do? - the tidyverse package contains all sorts of functions to load, manipulate, and visualize data!

Let's try use the read_delim() function to import some data:

# load our data
meta <- read_delim(file="../data/meta.tsv",
                   delim = "\t")

What did we do:

  • specified where our data is
  • it is one folder up (a.k.a. "../") and in the data folder ("data/")
  • we specified the delimiter or the separator between our data
  • here we say "\t" to indicate our file is separated by tabs
  • assign our data to the variable "meta"

Inspecting Data

  • It is good practice to inspect your data before using it
  • we can use the str() function to get a high level summary of our data :


spec_tbl_df [9 × 5] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ SampleID       : chr [1:9] "sample 1" "sample 2" "sample 3" "sample 4" ...
 $ AntibioticUsage: chr [1:9] "None" "None" "None" "None" ...     
 $ Day            : chr [1:9] "Day0" "Day0" "Day0" "Day0" ...     
 $ Organism       : chr [1:9] "mouse" "mouse" "mouse" "mouse" ...    
 $ TaxaCount      : num [1:9] 1174 1474 1492 1451 314 ...    
 - attr(*, "spec")=     
  .. cols(     
  ..   SampleID = col_character(),  
  ..   AntibioticUsage = col_character(),
  ..   Day = col_character(),
  ..   Organism = col_character(),
  ..   TaxaCount = col_double()
  .. )

What did we do:

  • we input our variable "meta" into the str() function which takes some object, here specify that object is our variable meta
  • Our output indicates a few things:
  • the dimensions of our data (9 rows by 5 columns)
  • our data is a table/data.frame
  • the names of our columns (SampleID, AntibioticUsage, etc.)
  • the data type of our columns (chr = character data, num = numeric data)
  • how many values per column
  • a preview of the first few values

NOTE: If you want more information on R data types and how to convert between data types, visit:

To view the entire data frame, click on the variable in the environment window: - here we can see the entire data frame and even search for values - You'll note that our rows are different samples - and our columns are different attributes about those samples

Accessing Values By Number

  • We can access values in our data frame by specifying their row and column
  • Let's try finding the value in the second row and the third column:
meta[[2,3]] # [[row,column]]
meta[[3]][2] # [[column]][row]


[1] "Day0"

[1] "Day0"

What did we do:

  • accessed our value using double brackets
  • single brackets would subset our data frame instead of accessing our value
  • we can either specify the row then column inside the double brackets
  • or specify our column in double brackets and then the second element in single brackets

Accessing Values By Name

  • But what if we don't have our index number? What if we wanted to determine the antibiotic usage of "sample 5"?
  • Let's see how we can do this:
#data[[column name]]


[1] "None"         "None"         "None"         "None"         "Streptomycin" "Streptomycin" "Streptomycin"

[8] "Streptomycin" "Streptomycin"
# data[[column name]][data[[column name]]==pattern]
meta[["AntibioticUsage"]][meta[["SampleID"]]=="sample 5"] 

#data$ColumnName[data$ColumnName == pattern]
meta$AntibioticUsage[meta$SampleID=="sample 5"] 


[1] "Streptomycin"

[1] "Streptomycin"

What did we do:

  • first we accessed our AntibioticUse column by calling our data frame, then in double brackets we reference our column name.
  • we accessed our value by:
  • specifying the column in double brackets
  • we then use single brackets to select some value in that column
  • we then specify a condition:
    • where the column "SampleID" is equal to "sample 5"
  • second we accessed our value by using the "$" operator
  • when we are dealing with a data frame we can use the "$" operator to avoid having to write double brackets!

Comparison Operators

  • You'll have noticed above we used a comparison operator
  • We asked which value in the "SampleID" column was equal to "sample 5"
  • Let's look at some other comparison operators:
  • == equals
  • != does not equal
  • < less than
  • > greater than
  • =< less than or equal to
  • >= greater than or equal to
  • %in% is a value in another set of values
  • & and
  • | or
  • Let's try to use these operators to ask a few questions about our data:
  • Do we have any samples with over 1000 different taxa?
  • Is "sample 8" in our SampleID column?
# first let's see if there are any samples with over 1000 different taxa
# df$column_name1[df$column_name2>threshold]

# now let's see if there is a "sample 8" in our SampleID column
# pattern %in% df$column_name
"sample 8" %in% meta$SampleID


[1] "sample 1" "sample 2" "sample 3" "sample 4"

[1] TRUE

What did we do:

  • To identify samples with over 1000 different taxa we:
  • specified our SampleID column
  • specified our condition column (here it is TaxaCount)
  • used the greater than operator and threshold to specify we only want to identify samples with a TaxaCount greater than 1000

  • To identify if "sample 8" was in our Sample ID column we:

  • specifed our pattern (here it is "sample 8")
  • specified our column of interest (SampleID)
  • used the %in% operator to see if our pattern was in our column of interest

Applying Subsetting To Data Frames

  • So far we have accessed individual values in a data frame. But what about filtering our data frame?
  • Let's filter or subset our data frame into two data frames:
  • one with just samples and their antibiotic usage
  • another with samples on Day 5 of treatment
# filter data frame for just samples and their antibiotic usage
# df[c("column_name1","column_name2")]
samples_antibiotics <- meta[,c("SampleID","AntibioticUsage")]


  SampleID AntibioticUsage
  <chr>    <chr>          
1 sample 1 None           
2 sample 2 None           
3 sample 3 None           
4 sample 4 None           
5 sample 5 Streptomycin   
6 sample 6 Streptomycin 
# filter data frame for just samples on Day 5 of treatment
#df[df$column_name == pattern,]
day_5 <- meta[meta$Day == "Day5",]


SampleID AntibioticUsage Day   Organism TaxaCount
<chr>    <chr>           <chr> <chr>        <dbl>
1 sample 5 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          314
2 sample 6 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          189
3 sample 7 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          279
4 sample 8 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          175
5 sample 9 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          452

What did we do:

  • To filter the data frame for just samples and their antibiotic usage:
  • specified our data frame (meta)
  • identified which columns we wanted to keep within c()
  • specified we are grabbing columns by placing our column names behind the comma
  • saved this filtered data frame to samples_antibiotics
  • used the head() function to view the first 6 rows of our new data frame
  • To filter the data frame to just samples on Day 5 of treatment:
  • specified our data frame (meta)
  • specified the column we intend to filter (Day)
  • used == to filter for only values that are equal to "Day5"
  • specified we are filtering rows by placing the comma after our pattern

Merging Data Frames

  • Often times you may want to merge in data from another data frame
  • Let's see how to do this!
# read in second meta data file
meta2 <- read_delim("../data/meta2.tsv",delim = "\t")


  SampleID   RBC
  <chr>    <dbl>
1 sample 1    12
2 sample 2    17
3 sample 3    14
4 sample 4    16
5 sample 5     3
6 sample 6     7
# merge with existing meta data file
merged <- inner_join(
  x = meta,
  y = meta2,
  by = c("SampleID")


  SampleID AntibioticUsage Day   Organism TaxaCount   RBC  
  <chr>    <chr>           <chr> <chr>        <dbl> <dbl>   
1 sample 1 None            Day0  mouse         1174    12
2 sample 2 None            Day0  mouse         1474    17 
3 sample 3 None            Day0  mouse         1492    14 
4 sample 4 None            Day0  mouse         1451    16
5 sample 5 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          314     3
6 sample 6 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          189     7 

What did we do:

  • we read in another data frame from our data folder and named this data frame meta2
  • we then previewed this data frame to see that we have our SampleID column and a new column RBC
  • we then use the inner_join function to merge the two data frames, which takes:
  • x data frame 1
  • y data frame 2,
  • by the column to merge on in both data frames
  • we then use the head() command to preview our merged data frame

Adding Columns

  • Sometimes you may want to create columns in your data frame based on data in your existing data frame:
# add column based on data on data
merged$RBC_Status <- ifelse(
  test = merged$RBC > 13,
  yes = "High RBC Count",
  no = "Low RBC Count"


  SampleID AntibioticUsage Day   Organism TaxaCount   RBC RBC_Status    
  <chr>    <chr>           <chr> <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <chr>         
1 sample 1 None            Day0  mouse         1174    12 Low RBC Count 
2 sample 2 None            Day0  mouse         1474    17 High RBC Count
3 sample 3 None            Day0  mouse         1492    14 High RBC Count
4 sample 4 None            Day0  mouse         1451    16 High RBC Count
5 sample 5 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          314     3 Low RBC Count 
6 sample 6 Streptomycin    Day5  mouse          189     7 Low RBC Count   

What did we do:

  • we added a new column by specifying the name of our data frame, merged and then the new column name after the $ symbol
  • used the ifelse() function to add different values based on some test
  • here our test was to see if the value in the RBC column was over 13
  • if the answer was yes, it was over 13, then we input the value "High RBC Count"
  • if the answer was no, it was under 13, then we input the value "Low RBC Count"
  • we again use the head() function to preview our updated data frame

Creating a Factor

  • We have two data types in our data frame, character values, and numeric values
  • Sometimes a character value will have an order to it (i.e. low, medium, high)
  • In R when you provide an order to a character variable it is a factor data type
  • Let's make our RBC Status column a factor specifying the order should be Low then High RBC count
# make the day column a factor
merged$RBC_Status <- factor(
  levels = c(
    "Low RBC Count",
    "High RBC Count"


[1] Low RBC Count  High RBC Count High RBC Count High RBC Count Low RBC Count  Low RBC Count  Low RBC Count 
[8] Low RBC Count  Low RBC Count 
Levels: Low RBC Count High RBC Count

Visualizing Data

  • Now for the fun part of R: data visualization!
  • There are a few different ways to plot in R, but today we will show you how to plot using the ggplot2 package as it is widely popular among R users.
  • NOTE: ggplot2 is a part of the tidyverse package that we already loaded so we don't need to load it again.
  • Here we will plot:
  • RBC counts versus Taxa Counts
  • Antibiotic Usage versus Taxa Counts
rbc_v_taxa <- ggplot(merged,                        # data to use
                     aes(x=RBC,                     # x axis data
                         y = TaxaCount,             # y axis data
                         color=AntibioticUsage))+   # column to color data by
  geom_point()+                                     # this plot is a scatterplot
  theme_bw()+                                       # the theme is theme_bw()
    x="RBC Counts",                                 # x axis title
    y="Taxa Counts",                                # y axis title
    color="Antibiotic Usage",                       # legend title
    title="RBC Counts v. Taxa Counts"               # figure title

What did we we do:

  • Created a scatter plot where:
  • we used the ggplot() function to specify our data, and inside this function we used the aes() function to specify which columns we wanted to plot (x axis being the RBC column and the y axis being the TaxaCount column)
  • inside the aes() function we specified the color argument to indicate we want to color by the column Antibiotic Usage
  • we used the geom_point() function to specify this is a scatter plot
  • we used the theme_bw() function to style this plot using the theme_bw() style
  • we used the labs() function to specify our X axis title, y axis title, legend title and figure title
  • we then saved this figure to the variable rbc_v_taxa
  • For more information on plotting with ggplot visit:

Saving Plots/Data

  • Now that we have created all this wonderful data and plots we should learn how to save them!
# to save new data frame
write_delim(x = merged,
            file = "../results/merged.tsv",
            delim = "\t")

# to save our plot
ggsave(filename = "../results/rbc_v_taxa.png",
       plot = rbc_v_taxa)

What did we do:

  • To save our new merged data frame:
  • we used the write_delim function
  • specified our data frame, or x argument, to be the variable merged
  • we said we wanted to save our file one folder up "../" in the results folder, "results/" as "merged.tsv"
  • we also noted that our file should be separated or delimited, delim, by tabs \t

  • To save our plot:

  • we used the ggsave function
  • we said we wanted to save our file (filename) one folder up "../" in the results folder, "results/" as "rbc_v_taxa.png"
  • specified our plot, plot, to be the variable rbc_v_taxa

Getting Help

  • Sometimes we won't know what every function does.
  • Let's investigate the aes() function we just used to create our plot!

What did we do:

  • To investigate the aes() function we:
  • put a ? in front of the function of interest.
  • then in the help window we see a description of the function and examples on how to use it!

Creating the Markdown Report

  • Now this combination of text and code can be "knitted" into a report of our choice.
  • Today we will be creating an HTML page of our results.
  • For a full list of R markdown output options visit:

  • To create our output file go to the top of the script window and click "Knit"!

Thanks for taking part in the Intro To R for the Life Sciences Tutorial!

So as a summary we learned about:

  • project organization
  • R packages and how to access them on the tufts HPC
  • working with variables and data frames
  • visualizing data
  • and finally writing a markdown report of our findings


  1. A Gentle Introduction to R
  2. R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
  3. Markdown Syntax
  4. Programming With R
  5. Be Awesome in ggplot2: A Practical Guide to be Highly Effective - R software and data visualization
  6. Output Formats