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Approximate time: 30 minutes


Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) Overview

BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. The naive approach to read alignment is to compare a read to every position in the reference genome until a good match is found is far too slow. BWA solves this problem by creating an “index” of our reference sequence for faster lookup.

The following figure shows a short read with a red segment followed by a blue segment that we seek to align to a genome containing many blue and red segments. The table keeps track of all the locations where a given pattern of red and blue segments (seed sequence) occurs in the reference genome. When BWA encounters a new read, it looks up the seed sequence at the beginning of the read in the table and retrieves a set of positions that are potential alignment positions for that read. This speeds up the search by reducing the number of positions to check for a good match.

BWA has three algorithms:

We’ll use BWA-MEM. Underlying the BWA index is the Burrows-Wheeler Transform Video and lecture. This is beyond the scope of this course but is an widely used data compression applications.

Index the reference genome

In the following steps we’ll create the BWA index for the reference genome.

Change to our data directory:

cd ~/hpcDay2/data/

Preview our genome using the command head by typing:

head GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna

You’ll see the first 10 lines of the file which, as discussed, is an example of FASTA format:

>NC_045512.2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus...   <-- '>' charachter followed by sequence name

Load the BWA module, which will give us access to the bwa program:

module load bwa/0.7.17

Test it out without any arguments in order to view the help message.



Program: bwa (alignment via Burrows-Wheeler transformation)
Version: 0.7.17-r1198-dirty
Contact: Heng Li <>

Usage:   bwa <command> [options]

Command: index         index sequences in the FASTA format

Use the bwa index command to see usage instructions for genome indexing

bwa index


Usage:   bwa index [options] <in.fasta>
Options: -a STR    BWT construction algorithm …

Run the command as instructed, using the default options:

bwa index GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna


[bwa_index] Pack FASTA... 0.00 sec
[bwa_index] Construct BWT for the packed sequence...
[bwa_index] 0.00 seconds elapse.
[bwa_index] Update BWT... 0.00 sec
[bwa_index] Pack forward-only FASTA... 0.00 sec
[bwa_index] Construct SA from BWT and Occ... 0.00 sec
[main] Version: 0.7.9a-r786
[main] CMD: bwa index GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna
[main] Real time: 0.130 sec; CPU: 0.010 sec

When it’s done, take a look at the files produced by typing ls. The following is the result, with arrows and text on the right giving an explanation of each file.

GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna      <-- Original sequence
GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.amb  <-- Location of ambiguous (non-ATGC) nucleotides
GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.ann  <-- Sequence names, lengths
GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.bwt  <-- BWT suffix array
GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.pac  <-- Binary encoded sequence  <-- Suffix array index

BWA alignment

Let’s check the usage instructions for BWA mem by typing bwa mem

Usage: bwa mem [options] <idxbase> <in1.fq> [in2.fq]

Algorithm options:

       -t INT        number of threads [1]
       -k INT        minimum seed length [19]
       -w INT        band width for banded alignment [100]
       -d INT        off-diagonal X-dropoff [100]
       -r FLOAT      look for internal seeds inside a seed longer than {-k} * FLOAT [1.5]
       -y INT        seed occurrence for the 3rd round seeding [20]
       -c INT        skip seeds with more than INT occurrences [500]
       -D FLOAT      drop chains shorter than FLOAT fraction of the longest overlapping chain [0.50]
       -W INT        discard a chain if seeded bases shorter than INT [0]
       -m INT        perform at most INT rounds of mate rescues for each read [50]
       -S            skip mate rescue
       -P            skip pairing; mate rescue performed unless -S also in use

Since our alignment command will have multiple arguments, it will be convenient to write a script.

Change into our scripts directory:

cd ../scripts

Open a text editor with the program nano and create a new file called


Enter the following text. Note that each line ends in a single backslash \, which will be read as a line continuation. Be careful to put a space before the backslash and not after. This serves to make the script more readable.

#SBATCH --job-name=bwa             # Job name
#SBATCH --nodes=1                # Nodes requested
#SBATCH -n 2                       # Tasks requested
#SBATCH --partition=batch          # Parition
#SBATCH --reservation=bioworkshop  # Omit this line if not part of workshop
#SBATCH --mem=1Gb                  # Memory requested
#SBATCH --time=0-30:00             # Time requested
#SBATCH --output=%j.out            # Output log file labeled by job name
#SBATCH --error=%j.err             # Output error file labeled by job name

# Load the module

module load bwa/0.7.17

# Write the BWA command

bwa mem \
-t 2 \
-o ~/hpcDay2/results/sarscov2.sam \
~/hpcDay2/data/GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna \
~/hpcDay2/data/fastq/trim_galore/SRR15607266_pass_1_val_1.fq.gz \

Let’s look line by line at the options we’ve given to BWA:

  1. -t 2 : BWA runs two parallel threads. Alignment is a task that is easy to parallelize because alignment of a read is independent of other reads. Recall that in Setup we asked for a compute node allocation with --cpus=4, which can process up to 8 threads. Here we are using only 2 threads.

  2. -o results/sarscov2.sam : Place the output in the results folder and give it a name

  3. The following arguments are the full paths of our reference, read1 and read2 files, in the order required by BWA:

    ~/hpcDay2/data/GCF_009858895.2_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna \
    ~/hpcDay2/data/fastq/trim_galore/SRR15607266_pass_1_val_1.fq.gz \

Exit nano by typing ^X and follow prompts to save and name the file

Now we can run our script.


We can check to see if our job is running

squeue -u tutln01
24130535 batch bwa tutln01 R 0.06 1 c1cmp044
24129538 batch bash tutln01 R 23:14 1 c1cmp044

I can see my job number is 24130535. Find your job number.

Take a look at the error and the output files:

ls 24130535.err 24130535.out 

Sequence Alignment Map (SAM)

While our job runs for 3 minutes, we will introduce the SAM format. SAM files have two sections, Header and Alignment.


@SQ	SN:NC_045512.2	LN:29903                                  <-- Reference sequence name (SN) and length (LN)
@PG	ID:bwa	PN:bwa	VN:0.7.17-r1198-dirty	CL:bwa mem -t 2 ... <-- Programs and arguments used in processing


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SRR15607266.1 99 NC_045512.2 8152 60 76M = 8307 231 NTTA… #8ACC…
SRR15607266.1 147 NC_045512.2 8307 60 76M = 81523 -231 AAAA… GGGG…
SRR15607266.2 83 NC_045512.2 16369 60 74M = 16255 -188 GTTA… GGFD…

The fields:

  1. Read ID
  2. Flag: indicates alignment information e.g. paired, aligned, etc. Here is a useful site to decode flags.
  3. Reference sequence name
  4. Position on the reference sequence where mapping starts
  5. Mapping Quality
  6. CIGAR string: summary of alignment, e.g. match (M), insertion (I), deletion (D)
  7. RNEXT: Name of reference sequence where the other read in the pair aligns
  8. PNEXT: Position in the reference sequence where the other read in the pair aligns
  9. TLEN: Template length, size of the original DNA or RNA fragment
  10. Read Sequence
  11. Read Quality

More information on SAM format.

Your job should be done, and do do this, check to make sure your bwa job is no longer listed in your squeue -u tutln01 output. You can also check your resource usage efficiency by running seff. Did you use everything you requested?

Change into our results directory:

cd ../results

List the files in the results directory by typing ls. Result:


Let’s load the tool Samtools which we’ll use to manipulate SAM files.

To load the module:

module load samtools/1.9

We can view the alignment header with this command:

samtools view -H sarscov2.sam
@SQ	SN:NC_045512.2	LN:29903                                  <-- Reference sequence name (SN) and length (LN)
@PG	ID:bwa	PN:bwa	VN:0.7.17-r1198-dirty	CL:bwa mem -t 2 ... <-- Programs and arguments used in processing

We can preview the alignment with this command. We use the bash ‘|’ symbol, called a pipe, which takes the input of one process and passes it as input to another process:

samtools view sarscov2.sam | head


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SRR15607266.1 145 NC_045512.2 2 60 30S42M4S = 8365 8323 CGTA… GGGG…
SRR15607266.1 97 NC_045512.2 3 60 32S43M = 28292 8365 CCAA… CCCC…
SRR15607266.2 161 NC_045512.2 3 60 32S43M = 28255 28365 CCAA… CCCC…

Next, we’ll convert the SAM into a compressed, binary format called BAM in order to process it further.

samtools view -bo sarscov2.bam sarscov2.sam

We’ve used options -bo to specify BAM output to a specific file. ‘BAM` files are not human readable, so we use samtools to view:

samtools view sarscov2.bam | head

Sort SAM file

Downstream applications require that reads in SAM files be sorted by reference genome coordinates (fields 3 and 4 in each line of our SAM file). This will assist in fast search, display and other functions.

samtools sort -o sarscov2.bam 

Where again we’ve used option -o to specify the output file. Look at the new file, do you notice anything different about the read order?

samtools view | head
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SRR15607266.1 99 NC_045512.2 8152 60 76M = 8307 231 NTTA… #8ACC…
SRR15607266.1 147 NC_045512.2 8307 60 76M = 81523 -231 AAAA… GGGG…
SRR15607266.2 83 NC_045512.2 16369 60 74M = 16255 -188 GTTA… GGFD…

Finally, we create a BAM index to speed up searching in downstream applications.

samtools index

Alignment Quality Control

Before we view our reads, we’d like to calculate some summary statistics to know how well our reads aligned to the reference genome. This can be done by running the samtools flagstat program on our sorted BAM file:

samtools flagstat


2583381 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)  <-- We have only QC pass reads
58229 + 0 secondary                                       <-- 58229 reads have >1 alignment position
0 + 0 supplementary                                       <-- for reads that align to multiple chromosomes
0 + 0 duplicates
2029614 + 0 mapped (78.56% : N/A)                         <-- For RNAseq data, >75% is expected, 
2525152 + 0 paired in sequencing                              in this case we have some human contamination
1262576 + 0 read1
1262576 + 0 read2
1948534 + 0 properly paired (77.17% : N/A)
1969890 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
1495 + 0 singletons (0.06% : N/A)
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)

Samtools flagstat is a great way to check to make sure that the alignment meets the quality expected. In this case, >75% properly paired and mapped indicates a high quality alignment.


Next: View Alignment with IGV

Previous: Data Download and QC